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What is Integrative Nutrition?

When we think of the word nutrition, food and drink often comes to the forefront of our minds. However, it's not just what we eat and drink that affects our wellbeing.

The information we consume and the experiences we encounter each day can have a profound impact on our physical, emotional and mental health. Our environment, lifestyle, careers, personal belief systems, our relationship with food, and pressures of family life can all affect how we feel and behave. To paraphrase Dr Christiane Northrup, "our state of health is highly influenced by the culture in which we live, our position within it, our experiences, our day-to-day thoughts, beliefs and behaviours."

Every cell in our body processes and responds to these feelings and stores that information in our bodies, which is why it's so important to acknowledge stress and discomfort in our daily life. We all have the ability to intuitively know how to heal ourselves; sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission to stop and listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us. Symptoms, after all, are our body's way of communicating it's needs with us.

As a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach I can help guide you in your journey inwards to discover areas of your life that may need nurturing, and support you in making gentle, positive changes that are unique to you. Most of us are conditioned to look outwards for help regarding our health and wellbeing in the first instance, which leads to frustration when we come to the realisation that there is no quick fix for our chronic health problems. Long-lasting change is often the result of us taking the time to disrupt our thinking patterns and reflect on our life stories that contain us.

If you'd like to embark on a health journey, or find out more about the health coaching services I provide, please get in touch by email

palm open and reaching for the sky
Adult arm opening up to the sky while standing in a sunlit forest

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